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Below is the full Step-by-Step Guidebook for this cookie set. It includes all of the designs in one place. But be sure to visit the lessons for each individual cookie as well since they each include a video to help make the process even clearer. The videos will be particularly helpful in showing you how
Step-by-Step Guidebook Read More »
For ease of printing, we’ve collected all printable materials from each of the previous lessons in one convenient location. Click on the “Materials” tab above to access them.
All Printable Materials Read More »
We’re getting to the really fun stuff now! I LOVE color! Planning out color palettes for cookie projects is one of my favorite parts of the decorating process. In the early days, I always used colors straight out of the bottle. But it seemed that, more often than not, they would dry on my cookies
Now, who doesn’t love a good cookie cutter? And there are definitely a lot of good (no, GREAT) cutters on the market right now. But if you ever fail to plan ahead, or come up with an inspired design that just doesn’t match any of the cutters out there, hand-cutting your cookies is always an
Hand-cutting Your Dough Read More »
Before we can get started with the fun stuff, let’s make sure you have everything you need. Since this class is just covering the basics for decorating this Autumn Picnic set, you’ll need to have sugar cookie and royal icing recipes (and all of the supplies that go with those) on hand. Beyond that there
Welcome! If you’ve purchased this class, we hope that means you’ve already taken one of our other full cookie-set classes. This class will only be covering the bare essentials for decorating this set of cookies. That will include a color guide, cookie cutting templates, and step-by-step guides and videos for decorating each individual cookie. If