Class Overview

Welcome to Cookie Class!

Whether you’re completely new to decorating with royal icing, or you’re here to build your skills and refine certain techniques, this course has something for everyone!

This series of guides and how-to videos will walk you through the process of making and decorating your own adorable set of summery cookies. Instead of using custom cookie cutters for this class, we’ll be making use of a set of “Sweet Sugarbelle Shape Shifter” cookie cutters. Using some creative methods of combining cutters, we’ll “franken-cookie” our way to some new and interesting shapes.

In this class you’ll not only learn how to create new shapes with cutters you probably already have, but you’ll also learn the essentials of working with both sugar cookies and royal icing. You’ll start with the basics and end by putting the beautiful finishing details on your cookie set.

Be sure to utilize the PDF guides as they will be essential supplements to your work. Printable versions of each PDF can be found in the “Materials” tab of the relevant lesson or all in one place (for ease of printing) in the “Appendix” at the very bottom of the table of contents.

Bear in mind, decorating with royal icing can be a LONG (and sometimes tedious) process. This should not be done all in one day. So take your time with it and try to enjoy the process. With lots of practice the rewards are great!

Let’s get started!